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Eng Clinic 15 - {Plan for Mid-Autumn festival)

作者:穿梭   查看穿梭全部帖子人气值:2678   回复数:20   字数:2677发表时间:2006/9/22 0:09:55

<<Plan for Mid-autumn Festival

作者:tweety 人气值:22 回复数:4 发表时间:2006-9-21 14:27:
Mom. just rang me up during lunch break, asking me if I would go home to celerbrate the mid-autumn festival early next month. I realized it's been 9 yrs that I hadn't stayed with my mom. to celerbrate this meaningful festival since the year I went off for study. My mom would console me every time with her understandings, while I knew the truth behind that, to her, the festival's not satisfactory without the daughter around.

I remember clearly the childish wish I made, a beautiful appartment for the family to live together, we can grow some plants on the roof, keep all kinds of pets in some of the rooms... Now what, in spite of the economic contribution I feel I can't play my role seemly. What makes me feel guilty is, I can't be there when my mom's sick... I figured out the compromise recently and relocated the job back to Canton, that's what I could do for the family, I think.

I should get ready for crushing my way through the crowd, this can't keep me off my HOME.>>


Edited version:

My mother rang me up at my lunch break, asking if I would go home to celebrate the mid-autumn festival with her early next month. I am aware that after I left my hometown for my studies, it has been nine years since I last celebrated this festival with my mother. She has been very understanding, but I know well that deep inside, she would not fully enjoy this festival without my being together with her.

I remember well the goal I set for myself in my childhood – a beautiful apartment for the whole family to live in, where we can grow some plants on the roof, and keep all kinds of pets in some rooms. But up to now, even though I have made financial contribution to the family, it seems I cannot achieve my goal. And I also feel bad because I cannot be around when she is sick. However, recently I improved the situation by getting relocated back to Guangzhou, which is something that I could do for the family.

I should get ready to battle my way through the crowd, which cannot get in the way for my heading home.


Tweety, would you please try to write in simpler English, shorter sentences, and use only expressions that you are sure of their usage? Otherwise the poor me may simply have to rewrite most of the sentences for you, and you may complain again that I get your intended meanings wrong. Please take it one step at a time, and trust me - it would not be too long before you can write in complex, stylish but CORRECT sentences.

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