How did you establish your romantic relationship?
在这个温暖的初春里,不如让我们聊聊温馨的话题。你还记得你们是怎么确定恋爱关系的吗?是在送回宿舍的路上突然牵你的手?是在离别的火车站台一把拥你入怀?是半夜发短信问你“嗨,做我男朋友/女朋友吧”?还是在msn上把签名档改成“Do you love me?”
In the warm Spring, why not talk something warm? Do you still remember how did you establish your love relationship? Did he suddenly hold your hand on the way back to your dorm? Did he give a huge hug when he saw you off on the platform? and did you just text him/her to ask him/her to be your boyfriend/girlfriend? and did you just change the mood of your msn for “Do you love me?”