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141th TOPIC: Universiade 2011 SHENZHEN 深圳申大成功

作者:UFO*~    人气值:9321   回复数:0发表时间:2007/1/18 0:02:07

    Shenzhen wins city chosen to host the 2011 Summer Universiade


LIKE the hundreds of millions of Chinese who rejoiced after Beijing’s victory in the Olympic bid six years ago, many excited Shenzhen residents got a chance to celebrate a victory of their own early this morning when Shenzhen was chosen as the host of the Summer Universiade in 2011.

By selecting Shenzhen, the International University Sports Federation (FISU) has cast a vote of confidence in the city. Shenzhen’s miraculous economic growth in the past two decades has provided the city the financial might to stage a successful event that will attract tens of thousands of university students and spectators from around the world.

Shenzhen, a young city with a history of 26 years, has all the attributes required to host an international sports event for young people: It is dynamic, progressive, creative and open-minded.

The victory acknowledged Shenzhen’s enthusiasm and resolve in the bid. But more importantly, it will boost the city’s efforts to become an international metropolis.

The city has no doubt become well-known worldwide as an “overnight boomtown” following more than two decades of red-hot industrialization and urbanization. But Shenzhen knows it needs to hone its skills in international exchange if it wants to become a global metropolis, a goal the city has set itself to achieve in the future.

The bid itself is only a part of the long-term drive. Shenzhen has no doubt impressed FISU officials in proving it is the right choice for the event.

In addition to the benefits the event is expected to bring in terms of business opportunities, tourism revenue, a growing international profile and others, the 2011 Universiade will serve as a training ground and provide new momentum for its drive to become an international city.

Despite the economic miracle, the city’s leaders are also aware Shenzhen needs to increase its “soft power,” and view the Shenzhen Universiade as an ideal platform to achieve this.

Although Shenzhen has made it clear that the Universiade City project will go ahead even if it loses the bid, the victory will lead to the construction of better sports and service facilities, and more efforts to make Shenzhen a more livable city for foreigners and a more recognized tourism attraction as the city prepares to host the event.

When Beijing won the right to host the 2008 Olympics in 2001, a Hong Kong newspaper said it expected Beijing to become a great international city seven years later. Now, we are sure Shenzhen will be a more international city in 2011 than it is now.

But for now, it’s up to Shenzhen to make the 2011 Universiade a great success.

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