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139th TOPICs---2007 may be warmest yet让我们来关注地球气候转暖

作者:UFO*~    人气值:13769   回复数:5发表时间:2007/1/5 0:14:57

    Scientists say 2007 may be warmest yet

LONDON - A resurgent El Nino and persistently high levels of greenhouse gases are likely to make 2007 the world's hottest year ever recorded, British climate scientists said Thursday.

Britain's Meteorological Office said there was a 60 percent probability that 2007 would break the record set by 1998, which was 1.20 degrees over the long-term average.

"This new information represents another warning that climate change is happening around the world," the office said.

The reason for the forecast is mostly due to El Nino, a cyclical warming trend now under way in the Pacific Ocean. The event occurs irregularly — the last one happened in 2002 — and typically leads to increased temperatures worldwide.

While this year's El Nino is not as strong as it was in 1997 and 1998, its combination with the steady increase of temperatures due to global warming from human activity may be enough to break the Earth's temperature record, said Phil Jones, the director of the Climatic Research unit at the University of East Anglia.

"Because of the warming due to greenhouse gases, even a moderate warming event is enough to push the global temperatures over the top," he said.

"El Nino is an independent variable," he said. "But the underlying trends in the warming of the Earth is almost certainly due to the release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere."

El Nino can sometimes lead to milder weather, such as in the in the northeastern United States or the Atlantic Ocean, which is likely to see fewer hurricanes this year. However, it can also increase the severity of weather-related disasters, such as typhoons in the Philippines or drought in southern Africa and Australia, a country that is already suffering through its longest dry spell on record.

Environmental groups said the report added weight to the movement to control greenhouse gases.

"The evidence that we're doing something very dangerous with the climate is now amassing," said Campaign against Climate Change coordinator Philip Thornhill.

"We need to put the energy and priority (into climate change) that is being put into a war effort. It's a political struggle to get action done — and these reports help," Thornhill said.

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139th TOPICs---2007 may be warmest yet让我们来关注地球气候转暖 [2272字] -UFO*~ 于 2007/1/5 0:14:57
回复:139th TOPICs---2007 ma [774字] -UFO*~ 于 2007/1/5 0:55:13
回复:139th TOPICs---2007 ma [55字] -joeblack_o 于 2007/1/5 8:53:50
回复:回复:139th TOPICs---2007 [93字] -paul758 于 2007/1/5 15:57:47
回复:139th TOPICs---2007 ma [93字] -UFO*~ 于 2007/1/5 23:51:31
回复:139th TOPICs---2007 ma [116字] -UFO*~ 于 2008/5/30 14:18:02


  主题: 回复:139th TOPICs---2007 may be warmest yet让我们来关注地球气 

作者:UFO*~  回复时间:2007/1/5 0:55:13人气值:3672   回复数:0   回复    管理该贴  返回顶部

hi all, did you ever pay attention to disasters happended in past years such like :the Tsunami in Indian ,Hurricanes in Brazil,Typhoons in the Philippines ......etc.,especially the earthquake took place in Japan had already effected Shenzhen...

A couple of days ago i watched the program of the Phoenix channel,they report the Japanese scientists research on subject of the Earth's weather after 100 years later ~~~~ 日本人用约一个体育馆面积来建造科研基地,聚集了来自世界各地的科学家, 联合数万台电脑对地球100年后的气候进行研究模拟,得出的最让人难以相信的结果之一就是: 100年后,在风景美丽如画的从来没有任何飓风的巴西,天空乌云密布,出现了两个巨大的飓风眼...解说员说好象是电影: 后天TEH DAY AFTER TOMORROW 里的镜头...
如果有人反驳说那是科幻片不要相信,那近年来发生的接连不断的天灾又怎么解释呢,象: 印度的海啸, 菲律宾的台风,大西洋岸边国家越来越多的飓风...尤其是前一段日本的地震,已经波及到了向来都很稳定的深圳......这些难道还不足以让我们居安思危吗?


  主题: 回复:139th TOPICs---2007 may be warmest yet让我们来关注地球气 

作者:joeblack_o  回复时间:2007/1/5 8:53:50人气值:4245   回复数:1   回复    管理该贴  返回顶部


第3楼:  [ 回复第2楼 ]

  主题: 回复:回复:139th TOPICs---2007 may be warmest yet让我们来关注 

作者:paul758  回复时间:2007/1/5 15:57:47人气值:4357   回复数:0   回复    管理该贴  返回顶部

Positive proof of global warming


  主题: 回复:139th TOPICs---2007 may be warmest yet让我们来关注地球气 

作者:UFO*~  回复时间:2007/1/5 23:51:31人气值:4192   回复数:0   回复    管理该贴  返回顶部

Very creative design! It's really Cooooooool one by one~~~~The smaller the COOLer~~~~hehe~~~


  主题: 回复:139th TOPICs---2007 may be warmest yet让我们来关注地球气 

作者:UFO*~  回复时间:2008/5/30 14:18:02人气值:5403   回复数:0   回复    管理该贴  返回顶部

Concerning about global climate change,Floods and droughts associated with it?
human activity induce these changes?

上一贴:请问深圳哪个英语培训机构比较好?下一贴:离歌---信乐团----2007第一贴 : )
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