Wow! This is an interesting story. What can one learn from this story? I think different people have different opinions. Therefore I've done a little survey(in my head), and the interviewees and replies are as follows:
--A public relation analyst: When one sees a woman living in a nice house with a front yard large enough to fit three picky old men, it is only natrual for one to assume that she has a husband.
--A lawyer: I believe at one point the defendant, these three gentlemen did mention they would not go in a house together and yet at the end they entered the premise in contravention to their previous pledge. I rest my case, your honor.
--Mother of an obese girl at fat camp: She doesn't know these people. How does she even know they're hungry? Does she just give food to random people and try to make them fat as my daughter? Screw this family!
--The obese girl at fat camp: Oh... If only I knew where that front yard was! Here's someone who's REEEALLY hungry.
--Los Angeles Police Department: We just want to remind the residents that if you see suspicious people around your house-- preferably in you front yard, stay alert, and try not to invite them in, except for senior citizens. But even in that case, get your guns and amos ready.
--A raging feminist at Speakers' Corner: ...Therefore my sisters, I have a dream. I have a dream that in the future, when one of you would have to choose, you would take success over love! You would take your success over your husband's! You would take a dildo over a dick!!! Hear me my sisters, when I say, the age of housewives is over!!!!
--A linguistics student: Notice how the wife said: "My dear, why do not we invite Success?" A typical example of the Vitorian language. I believe this story took place centuries ago.
--A medical science student: Elders are prone to be hypoglycemic with certain obvious symptoms, which is why the woman knows that they are hungry.
--A math student: Regard X=wealth, Y=success, Z=love
∵Z=X+Y+Z ∴X+Y=0
--A history student: Why did the United States fail both times in North Korea and Vietnam when they should have succeeded? Because they were outloved. In order to win, everyone ought to love harder.
--A computer science student:
if i="love" then r="love, wealth and success";
if i="wealth" then r=i;
if i="success" then r=i;
--The nanny in my old kindergarten: They already introduced themselves and the woman still doesn't know which one is Love. Remember kids, that is very impolite!
--Any neatly dressed man in San Francisco: The three old men are all gay and Love is the most attractive one.
--John Lennon:
All you need is love *horn riff*
Maybe some crack too *horn riff*
When you need some love *horn* love *horn*
Yoko's all you need
--George W. Bush: You see, they have a daughter. What does that tell ya? He have sex with his wife! I believe everyone should have sex with his wife! I believe I am the perfect role model for America in that regards, unlike a certain Mr. Clinton I could name...
--A proctologist: I think this story is, what we in this line of work refer to as "egesta". In other words, PIECE OF SHIT.