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第128期主题:Olny the good die younger? 成功与健康可以兼得吗?

作者:Betty-Yu    人气值:11350   回复数:1发表时间:2006/9/13 16:35:05

Academy Award nominees who go home empty-handed may not have a shiny Oscar to show off,but they may turn out to be the bigger winners in the game of life. According to a study published in British Medical Jounal,Oscar-winning screenwriters' are more successful,more productive,and more respected than losing nominees;however,they die sooner by about four years.

How do you think about this study result? Is it right that only the good die younger?

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第128期主题:Olny the good die younger? 成功与健康可以兼得吗? [568字] -Betty-Yu 于 2006/9/13 16:35:05
回复:第128期主题:Olny the good  [2200字] -max 于 2006/9/15 13:00:13


  主题: 回复:第128期主题:Olny the good die younger? 成功与健康可以兼得吗? 

作者:max  回复时间:2006/9/15 13:00:13人气值:4441   回复数:0   回复    管理该贴  返回顶部

Ok, so a couple of Oscar-winning big shots die earlier in life, like that's some kind of a big surprise. You see, it's not whether people are "good" or "bad"--if that could ever be defined--that matters when it comes to longevity. So what really matters? That I don't know. But I do know this, which concerns our "good" people waltzing off with their Oscars, Grammies and Emmies. Why do they die? Plain and simple, they either work too hard(1% of the case) or party too hard(you do the math). We all know what Hollywood is about. It is comical that they should try every which-a-way to convince us audience and movie fans that they are not the filthy business that they've always been and always will be. It doesn't matter how many starving African kids shaped like a microphone stand Angelina Julie is holding in her arms--I love her by the way, the fact remains that the movie business, as a prominent component of mass entertainment, pretty much render itself similar to your average toilet bowl material--anal hemorrhage excluding. You don't think when Michael Douglas' crawny ass was wiggling all over the place in front of dozens of camaras and poor crew members, he had practiced that a million times with zillions of girls without the director on the spot to call "cut" and put a halt to all his pathetic little moves? In the ancient times as long as you have an army or a piece of land, or if you live in the Ming Dynasty and your genitals are tragically cut off when you were young, you would be able to enjoy what we--well, not we, but mostly those people desperately trying to sell you a condo--call the "elite lifestyle", which means in ancient times, that you can have as many concubines--eunuches do that too!--as you want to and have meat to eat three meals a day. Nowadays, chicken seems to spawn at light speed from plastic bags, so the meat part of the equation simply go out the window. For the Hollywood people? Drugs, booze and boobs and beyond. In fact from what I heard that's their three basic elements of life instead of water, oxygen and carbohydrate. If that stuff doesn't kill you, I just don't know what will.

Gotta go to lunch. Enough ragging for one day:)

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