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回复:有無人喜歡莎士比亞的 Novel ?

作者:aplomb    人气值:5611   回复数:0发表时间:2006/2/28 0:20:01

    Uncle James,
1. It seems as if you were a virago.
2. I am a Chinese. Are you not?
3. I regard you as a Chinese, not an outsider. Blood is thicker than water.
4. The word "Chinese" should be in capital letter C. Show your respect please.
5. "...you have to get it your own,"
> you have to get it yourself
6. "...dont give you the answer"
> don't give you the answer
7. "...what novels Shakespeare"
>????????????what novels Shakespeare had written
8. "Before I come to here..."
> Before I came here
9. "...but I dont give you free lunch"
> but I don't (won't) give you (any) free lunch
10."Since someone here said 'Shakespeare did not write any novel" I asked someone and searched."
> Since someone here said, "Shakespeare did not write any novel", I asked someone to search.
> Since someone here said that Shakespeare did not write any novel, I asked someone to search..
11. "When I asked 'Anybody likes the novel of Shakespeare?" that is NOT a mistake."
> To ask if "Anybody likes the novel of Shakespeare?" is not a mistake.
12."...how English people phase..."
> phrase
13."...but you dont know..."
> don't
14."...just totally translate the phase into chinese that is total another meaning."
>...just simply translate the phrase into Chinese which creates another meaning
15. "Thats why I say..."
16."...stone age, I wont blame you at all."
>...Stone Age, I won't blame you at all.
17."...here says, shakspear did not write any novel, I came to a English leactureer,..."
>...here said that Shakespeare did not write any novel, I came to an English lecturer,...
18. "...the web site..."
> the website
>And still you can claim your English to be good/And you can still claim your English to be good.
20."If I am narrow-minded I wont discuss here."
>If I am narrow-minded, I won't discuss here.
21."You write a long passage but lot of wrong expression"
>You wrote a long passage with lots of wrong expression.
>You wrote a long passage with a lot of wrong expression.
22. Conclusion:
a.This is the free lunch that I can give you. Very delicious indeed!!!!!!
b.At any rate, I am not so niggardly as you.
c.Too many conspicuous mistakes. Try not to be so frivolous next time.
d Your English is equvalent to the standard of a Form 3 student in Hong Kong.
e.Work harder!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
g.Check your EQ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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有無人喜歡莎士比亞的 Novel ? [322字] -占士楊 于 2006/2/17 14:57:46
回复:有無人喜歡莎士比亞的 Novel ? [84字] -cockaigne_o 于 2006/2/20 20:15:58
回复:有無人喜歡莎士比亞的 Novel ? [517字] -占士楊 于 2006/2/20 22:25:26
回复:有無人喜歡莎士比亞的 Novel ? [220字] -spectre 于 2006/2/22 17:26:15
回复:有無人喜歡莎士比亞的 Novel ? [343字] -amulet 于 2006/2/22 17:49:48
回复:有無人喜歡莎士比亞的 Novel ? [381字] -amazon_o 于 2006/2/22 18:25:03
回复:有無人喜歡莎士比亞的 Novel ? [387字] -占士楊 于 2006/2/22 22:44:39
回复:有無人喜歡莎士比亞的 Novel ? [291字] -占士楊 于 2006/2/22 22:53:21
回复:有無人喜歡莎士比亞的 Novel ? [2153字] -aplomb 于 2006/2/23 21:35:36
回复:有無人喜歡莎士比亞的 Novel ? [1602字] -占士楊 于 2006/2/23 23:20:28
回复:有無人喜歡莎士比亞的 Novel ? [350字] -asdasddd_o 于 2006/2/24 21:36:08
回复:有無人喜歡莎士比亞的 Novel ? [299字] -aplomb 于 2006/2/27 22:41:34
回复:有無人喜歡莎士比亞的 Novel ? [2528字] -aplomb 于 2006/2/28 0:20:01
回复:有無人喜歡莎士比亞的 Novel ? [495字] -占士楊 于 2006/2/28 23:40:59
回复:有無人喜歡莎士比亞的 Novel ? [114字] -占士楊 于 2006/2/28 23:53:25
回复:有無人喜歡莎士比亞的 Novel ? [294字] -amazon_o 于 2006/3/1 20:12:35

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