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how is English salon recently?

作者:静静的来    人气值:11993   回复数:9发表时间:2005/10/29 8:47:03

    I didn't go there for a long time....

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how is English salon recently? [46字] -静静的来 于 2005/10/29 8:47:03
回复:how is English salon r [338字] -mko145 于 2005/11/1 19:30:17
回复:how is English salon r [48字] -barbara_o 于 2005/11/3 10:27:35
Really? [121字] -mko145 于 2005/11/3 19:09:22
回复:how is English salon r [76字] -frances 于 2005/11/4 17:12:55
回复:how is English salon r [204字] -kk2005 于 2005/11/6 23:02:59
回复:how is English salon r [402字] -starshow_o 于 2005/11/9 22:59:12
回复:how is English salon r [22字] -静静的来 于 2005/11/9 23:52:10
Salon moved back [178字] -mko145 于 2005/11/14 0:42:37
回复:how is English salon r [258字] -HodyTang_o 于 2005/12/3 22:10:00


  主题: 回复:how is English salon recently? 

作者:mko145  回复时间:2005/11/1 19:30:17人气值:5004   回复数:0   回复    管理该贴  返回顶部

I have no idea what the salon is like before. So, can not make a comparison. The salon is now held in a teashop. The environment is so so. Around 15-20 people attend each time. You may find many new faces there, many pretty girls and handsome guys. Barbara is still the hostess and sweet as usual. By the way, she got a nickname recently.


  主题: 回复:how is English salon recently? 

作者:barbara_o  回复时间:2005/11/3 10:27:35人气值:5575   回复数:1   回复    管理该贴  返回顶部

Don't trust pineapple, I haven't any nickname!

第3楼:  [ 回复第2楼 ]

  主题: Really? 

作者:mko145  回复时间:2005/11/3 19:09:22人气值:5162   回复数:0   回复    管理该贴  返回顶部

Really? I must make a mistake. Well, everybody, here is a chance. Barbara is challenging your imagination and creativity.


  主题: 回复:how is English salon recently? 

作者:frances  回复时间:2005/11/4 17:12:55人气值:5381   回复数:0   回复    管理该贴  返回顶部

Why the salon moved back to the old place? is there anyone can tell me that?


  主题: 回复:how is English salon recently? 

作者:kk2005  回复时间:2005/11/6 23:02:59人气值:5043   回复数:0   回复    管理该贴  返回顶部

I am a new comer and just want to say hi to everybody.
Is there a topic for discussion? Or you may say what you want to?
How about I am coming this Friday? please count me in if there is no objection.


  主题: 回复:how is English salon recently? 

作者:starshow_o  回复时间:2005/11/9 22:59:12人气值:4586   回复数:0   回复    管理该贴  返回顶部

It is the first time I enter this room.Just now I saw your picture .I love English,but my English is not good enough to communicate freely with you.I hope that we can becom friend.i belive my spoken English is better.Two years ago ,i have a foreign friend who comes from philipin,and we can talk in English.Sometimes,i listen to the VOA SPECIAL ENGLISH.Do you ?May be ,we will meet in the salon.


  主题: 回复:how is English salon recently? 

作者:静静的来  回复时间:2005/11/9 23:52:10人气值:5755   回复数:0   回复    管理该贴  返回顶部

what nickname she got?


  主题: Salon moved back 

作者:mko145  回复时间:2005/11/14 0:42:37人气值:5139   回复数:0   回复    管理该贴  返回顶部

The salon moved back to the club on 38th floor in a tall building. I love that place. The room is large and quiet. What’s more, it has a great view over the crowded main street.


  主题: 回复:how is English salon recently? 

作者:HodyTang_o  回复时间:2005/12/3 22:10:00人气值:6078   回复数:0   回复    管理该贴  返回顶部

It is also the first time I enter this room. and i also want to join the salon, I know it can improve my speoke english,And i also want to make a friends with you, Please tell me how to go there ? since i am in the bao an, Is anyone can help me? many thanks

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