从第一张同名专辑到最新发行的The Heat(热情如火),Toni Braxton在她七年的歌唱岁月之中,充满了无数的成就与掌声。除了林林总总的奖项与荣誉之外,她也是第一位在迪士尼的音乐剧‘美女与野兽’中扮演女主角Belle的黑人表演者。她的专辑曾经获得多张白金唱片、葛莱美奖以及百老汇的肯定,这些都一再证明了这个来自马里兰州的女孩是一位天生的歌手。
Toni Braxton从小就与她的四个姊妹在教堂唱诗班表演,并且深受Stevie Wonder(史提夫汪德)、Anita Baker(安妮塔贝克)、Chaka Khan与Whitney Houston(惠妮休士顿)的影响。Toni Braxton在Bowie State就读大学时,原本打算成为一名教师。但1992年时与L.A. Reid共组LaFace唱片公司的Babyface,在听到Toni Braxton的歌声后惊艳不已,于是便将她签下来成为LaFace旗下第一位女歌手。
1993年Toni Braxton发行了首张同名处女大作,专辑内的主打与非主打单曲如Breathe Again、Another Sad Love Song、Seven Whole Days等皆席卷美国各大流行与R&B排行榜,全球更是卖出了1千万张,当年的葛莱美奖还颁以最佳新人与最佳节奏蓝调女艺人奖项给予肯定。接下来于1995年发行的第二张专辑Secrets仍是气焰高涨,一推出后便在美国本土卖出了7百万张,海外的销售量也高达3百万张。超级单曲You''''re Making Me High是Toni Braxton第一支超越节奏蓝调藩篱的金曲,同时这首歌也为她再添一座葛莱美最佳节奏蓝调女艺人奖座;而充满爆炸力与灵魂风味的Un-Break My Heart在1996年发行后,旋即成为排行榜的佳作,也让Toni Braxton再度赢得葛莱美最佳流行女艺人奖。然而1999年时Toni Braxton因为在不清楚自己的财务状况下贸然投资,结果宣告破产。所幸之后得到迪士尼音乐剧‘美女与野兽’的表演机会,将她从低潮的深渊拉了上来,重新拾回自信。
这段时间与生命的历练让Toni Braxton日渐成熟,并对自我有了更深一层的体认,因此2000年新专辑The Heat便是呈现出Toni Braxton蜕变后的成长,以一个21世纪年轻女性面对生命真实面的立场上,探讨爱情、热情与罗曼史间的冲击。这一张由Rodney Jerkins一手制作打造的全新大碟除了有Toni Braxton的招牌忧伤情歌外,这次还找来饶舌高手Dr.Dre(德瑞博士)与TLC的Lisa "Left Eye"(左眼丽莎)加入制作阵容,将Hip-Hop的曲风融合进来。同时还有两首由Diane Warren创作、David Foster制作的动人抒情曲Spanish Guitar和I am Still Breathing。
在进入歌坛的7年中,Toni Braxton尝到了成为超级天后的滋味,也经历了因破产而跌落人生谷底的挣扎。在一切苦难终将烟消云散之际,Toni Braxton重新展现出她对生命的正面态度,再次以特有的动人嗓音,表现出自我创造力的成长与反映出真实生活的写照。
Toni Braxton总是给世人她性感的外表,但这里我们暂切抛开这些吧。听她如泣如诉的声音,她用心展示的荡气回肠或者柔情细语,Toni Braxton的低沉,融合了充沛的爆发力和诉说伤痕历史的灵魂……
How Could An Angel Break My Heart
Lyrics and Music by Babyface and Toni Braxton
I heard he sang a lullaby
I heard he sang it from his heart
When I found out thought I would die
Because that lullaby was mine
I heard he sealed it with a kiss
He gently kissed her cherry lips
I found that so hard to believe
Because his kiss belonged to me
How could an angel break my heart
Why didn't he catch my falling star
I wish I didn't wish so hard
Maybe I wished our love apart
How could an angel break my heart
I heard here face was white as rain
Soft as a rose that blooms in May
He keeps her picture in a frame
And when he sleeps he calls her name
I wonder if she makes him smile
The way he used to smile at me
I hope she doesn't make him laugh
Because his laugh belongs to me
How could an angel break my heart
Why didn't he catch may falling star
I wish I didn't wish so hard
Maybe I wish our love apart
How could an angel break my heart
Oh my soul is dying, it's crying
I'm trying to understand
Please help me