remember that piano
so delightful, unusual
that classic sensation
sentimental confusion
used to say i like chopin
love me now and again
rainy days, never say good-bye
to desire when we are together
rainy days growing in your eyes
tell me where's our way
imagine your face in
a sunshine reflection
a vision of blue skies
forever distractions
used to say i like chopin
love me now and again
rainy days, never say good-bye
to desire when we are together
rainy days growing in your eyes
tell me where's our way
“I LIKE CHOPIN ”是描写失恋的惆怅心情,歌手Gazebo 是意大利人。這首單曲於83 年推出時, 橫掃歐美流行榜達十多星期之久 。之所以起这个名字,我猜想Gazebo本人可能就很喜欢肖邦,另外肖邦的音乐大多忧伤凄美,和失恋的情怀有些吻合。
是Paul Mauriat乐队的演奏让这首歌为人们所熟知.钢琴的前段和后段选自肖邦的一首著名的夜曲(升C小调夜曲),中间的主旋律就是“I LIKE CHOPIN”这首歌的主题。演奏者把古典的肖邦夜曲和现代流行乐通过钢琴结合在了一起”