Joy Enriquez是墨西哥混血美人歌手。Joy Enriquez(乔依安立奎)有着颇负盛名的姓氏,但是她跟拉丁情人Enrique Iglesias(安立奎)可是一点关系都没有,充其量他们只是同样具有拉丁血统的歌手。身为Arista总裁瑞德(L.A. Reid)力捧的年度重点新人,Joy的歌唱实力和歌坛际遇令人注目。甫发行个人首张专辑的Joy,和同门师姐Christina Aguilera(克莉丝汀)的出道方式颇为相似,都是先演唱电影主题曲然后再发专辑、都参加过电视选秀节目、都具有拉丁血统...等等。Joy跟电影的渊源颇深,她曾为Whitney Houston与Mariah Carey替《埃及王子》破天荒合唱的When You Believe担任幕后和声,接下来便独挑大梁演唱周润发与茱蒂佛斯特主演的《安娜与国王》的主题曲How Can I Not Love You。也因为这首歌曲,Joy开始了她踏往歌坛之路。
她的首张大碟《Joy Enriquez》中便已获得
美国R&B界的巨匠Baby face及Rodney Jerkins的青睐,
初出道便加盟Laface唱片公司并与Toni Braxton成为同门姊妹,
Joy Enriquez的实力当然非同凡响,
在某程度中原来声线类似R&B天后Mariah Carey。
所以Joy Enriquez的出现绝对是一个惊喜。
There are days when I regret it
The things I said to you
I put my trust in no one
It broke my heart and I blamed it on you
You were kind and oh so gentle
But I refused to see
That someone like you existed
I was somewhere in denial
While you were loving me
I cried myself to sleep last night
When I woke up
There were tear stains on my pillow
It hurt so much to sacrifice what I gave up
Without you in my life
I will always feel lonely
Losing the love
From someone like you
Not a day goes by without something
Reminding me of you
The truth is that I miss you
It gets so hard not being with you
There are times when I go crazy
In the twilight of the night
How I long to be your woman again
There's pain that I hold
That will not let me go
I cried myself to sleep last night
When I woke up
There were tear stains on my pillow
It hurt so much to sacrifice what I gave up
Without you in my life
I will always feel lonely
Losing the love
From someone like you
I don't wanna make this too hard
But I just wanna be where you are
In your life, by your side, forever
I cried myself to sleep last night
When I woke up
There were tear stains on my pillow
It hurt so much to sacrifice what I gave up
Without you in my life
I will always feel lonely
Losing the love
From someone like you