Club 8的第二张专辑便在此发行。这个合作可算是Labrador的转折点,因Johan这位重臣以他
在这个圈子的经验,独具慧眼为Labrador找来了不少新名字如Waltz For Debbie、Leslies、
Lasse Lindh等新血的加入,为Labrador增添不少新声音。你要知道,Labrador不是一所“创
至于后起之秀Chasing Doratea带来的是一张媲美Kings Of Convenience的沉默与清爽
的专辑。还有还有玩奏梦幻电子音乐的Douglas Heart便拥有一把甜美的女声助阵。另外还有
极具个人风格的Lasse Lindh,带来的是充满电影感的英伦吉他摇滚。再看最新所带来的几个
这首chasingdorotea-the anchor song开头的口琴前奏很是特别,整个曲风柔缓而温和,十分适合夜晚聆听,烦躁的心很快会被舒散
I’ve got a sparkle in your heart
Stronger than the brighter sun
And every time you come around
I know for sure that you’re the one
You’re the parachute that saves me
When I feel I need to jump
You’re the records that I play
And you sing a song I need to hear
There is an ocean in your eye
Deeper than the dark blue sea
And every time you fall asleep
I want the ways (to swollen it)
You’re the island that I swim to
When I need to find a rock
You’re the cables that connect me
And I need to feel the touch to something