The river is flowing, flowing and growing
The river is flowing, down to the sea
Earth, carry me, a child I will always be
Earth, carry me, down to the sea
From mountain to river bed, so will the fields be fed
From mountain to river bed, down to the sea
Meander through waterfall, follow the ocean’s call
Meander through waterfall, down to the sea
The river is flowing, flowing and growing
The river is flowing, back to the sea
Mother Earth carry me, the child that I will always be
Mother Earth carry me, back to the sea
The good times with his friends
He once did think he knew them
Until they broke down all his fences
In the town there's people hurting
People that can't understand
Why the son of life and gladness is moving to another land
There's no number they can call to
No addresses left to write
No goodbye hugs for children
No more kisses as goodnight
From the heavens i hear noises from the bottle counting tears
And a hundred men are writing songs and poetry of fears
Only time can heal a broken heart
I once heard a wise man say
But for the man who left his past
Will time just send him further away
Will he come back again
这首歌曲是一首改编曲,原曲是一首古老的传统印地安民谣,也是一首River Chant ,原意为呼唤爱惜
大自然的歌曲,简单的旋律,轻快的木吉他,干净的嗓音,天籁就是如此这般. 我们现在听到的版本由
1989年成立至今的Chicago Children’s Choir与印地安女声KIA共同演唱. 灵歌(SOUL MUSIC)是美国