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wedding or marriage?

作者:ritachen   查看ritachen全部帖子人气值:2874   回复数:9   字数:1833发表时间:2006/11/8 12:01:37

wedding or marriage?

I watched an episode named Engagement Photo of Friends last Saturday,and the dialouge between Monica and Chandler on wedding made me think a lot.

Monica would like to have a big wedding in beautiful gallery,which would cost them a big amount of money.Monica's parant don't have the amount to pay for it,but Chandler happens to have a deposit just enough for the wedding,which he has saved for six years.Monica tries to persuade Chandler to follow her wish, since this happens only once in her lifetime,but Chandler insists that it's not wise to pour all the money he has into a wedding.He needs having some free money to plan their future.Chandler leaves the house with disaccord.

The next day,two people both change their mind. Monica told Chandler that she doesn't want to hold an expensive wedding any more,to my surprise, Chandler agrees to spend all his deposit on the wedding because he thought of his promise to Monica--do everything he can to make Monica happy. Monica insists,and says: what I need is marriage,not the wedding. Chandler knows Monica is serious,he agrees and they have a soul kiss.

Many girls dream of a big and wonderful wedding,for which they insist pouring all their money into it,the reason is the same as that of Monica.For this reason, they go to the best photographic house and the seaside to take many beautiful marriage photoes no matter how expensive they are,and no matter how tired after posing a day long.As for wedding dinner,more time and money are poured on it, don't mentioned how tired the new couple would be...It seems they care their face much more than their feeling.

I wonder honourable wedding is really so important for a new couple? Would honourable wedding make the marriage better? Or would make the new couple love each other much more?

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