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English Clinc 12 - Rita (

作者:穿梭   查看穿梭全部帖子人气值:3607   回复数:21   字数:2680发表时间:2006/9/15 20:42:25

Rita, thanks for reminding me as I nearly missed reading this one.

Original version:
the coming wedding
作者:ritachen 人气值:25 回复数:2 发表时间:2006-9-14 11:33:

I was invited to attend a wedding to be held on this 3 October,and the bride is one of my best friends and the closest friend.
I knew her when I was 6 years old, then we studies in the same primary shcool and in the same class in junior middle shcool.We were firstly neighbours,then schoolmates,classmates, close friends and best friends.

In my close friend circle,most people have been married,except the friend and me,and I will be left alone after 3 October.Every time I go home,my mother often asks me about my friend: is Lili married? "not yet", which has been my conventional answer to this question. "so there is only you two girls are still unmarried in your circle?"I know what my mother meant.She's been urging me to be married in this way. Every time in this occasion in the past,I always took her as my umbrella. And soon,...

I am looking forward to attend the wedding and my friend hopes I can do,since it's her best time in her life,and I've missed several weddings of my friends after my coming in Shenzhen.However,I am scared to go home,and I am scared to answer that question. It really makes me stand at a nonplus.>


Edited version:
I have been invited to attend a wedding to be held on 3rd October, and the bride is my best and closest friend. I have known her since I was six years old; we studied in the same primary and same junior middle school. Initially we were neighbours, then school mates, class mates, close friends and best friends.

Most of my close friends have got married except this one and myself, and I will be the only one left after 3rd October. Every time when I return to my hometown, my mother will ask me about her: “Is Lili married yet?” “Not yet” is my standard reply to this question. “So that means only you two are still unmarried in your circle of friends, eh?” I get her message. She has been urging me to get married like that. And whenever that happened in the past, I always used my friend’s similar situation as my defense. But that defense would not be there any more soon.

I look forward to attending the wedding, and my friend certainly hopes that I can attend it, since it will be her best time in her life, and I have already missed several weddings of my other friends after my coming to Shenzhen. However, I am scared to go back to my hometown, as I am scared to answer my mother’s question. I really feel lost and helpless.

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